Special Thank You to our Chair: Katie Padgett
Santa Sponsor- $10,000

As a Premier Sponsor, your donation will directly fund an entire Holiday House at a Title 1 Elementary School.
Other benefits include:
-Seated with a VIP guest from Sarasota County School District
​-A banner displayed for the month of November + December 2025 at a Holiday House school of choice
-Tickets for 9 guests and front row seating
-Full Page Ad/Recognition in the program book
-Social Media/Website recognition
Rudolph Sponsor- $5,000

As a Rudolph Sponsor your donation will fund Holiday House experience for half of one of our Holiday House schools.
Other benefits include:
-Tickets for 9 guests and premier seating
-Half Page Ad/Recognition in the program book
-Social Media/Wesbite Recognition
Gnome Sponsor- $2,500

As a Gnome Sponsor your sponsorship goes to supporting our Holiday House Shoe Passion Project.
Other Benefits Include:
-Tickets for 8 guests
-Logo included in print material
Frosty the Snowman Sponsor-$1,000

As a Frosty the Snowman Sponsor your donation will provide a Holiday House experience for 4 classrooms.
Other Benefits Include:
-Tickets for 4 guests
Partridge in a "Pair" Tree

As a Partridge in a Pair Tree Sponsor your donation provides funding towards a uniform closet in a Holiday House school.
Other Benefits Include:
-Tickets for 2 guests